Logistics Software

We address the essential details about logistics software, its functionalities and advantages for warehouse optimisation. Learn everything you need to know about warehouse management systems.

  • Order orchestration across multiple sales channels

    Order orchestration across multiple sales channels


    Order orchestration coordinates, manages and automates activities and resources involved throughout the supply chain. It includes synchronisation and the necessary information to ensure successful order fulfilment across various sales channels.

  • Conversational AI in industry and logistics

    Conversational AI in industry and logistics


    Conversational AI refers to artificial intelligence trained to simulate conversations between humans using NLP, offering various applications in logistics. This technology requires vast amounts of data — text or speech — to understand and process human conversations.

  • ERP vs. WMS: Which is best for logistics and warehousing?

    ERP vs. WMS: Which is best for logistics and warehousing?


    Comparison of ERP vs. WMS software focused on logistics: discover their features and find the ideal program for your warehouse. Both ERPs and WMSs are crucial for supply chain management, but they have different advantages for companies.

  • Shelf-to-person: an innovative order picking solution

    Shelf-to-person: an innovative order picking solution


    Shelf-to-person is an order picking system in which autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) move goods to operators. This solution makes picking tasks agile and accurate by avoiding operator travel through the warehouse.

  • SaaS: What is it and how does it work in logistics?

    SaaS: What is it and how does it work in logistics?


    SaaS (software as a service) is a cloud-based software model that allows users to access applications via a browser. In this framework, some companies host apps so that their customers can use them on demand. Customers typically pay per use or subscription.

  • The power of best-of-suite software in the supply chain

    The power of best-of-suite software in the supply chain


    Best-of-suite is an end-to-end software solution that includes preprogrammed modules to perform core business functions. Generally, a single provider programs and implements these types of systems, standardising processes through specialised modules.

  • Best-of-breed: the right choice?

    Best-of-breed: the right choice?


    The best-of-breed strategy consists of implementing software capable of satisfying a company’s specific requirements. A warehouse management system (WMS) is a best-of-breed software program, as it specialises in organising logistics operations.

  • E-commerce logistics and key operations

    E-commerce logistics and key operations


    E-commerce logistics refers to the process of procuring, storing, and transporting products purchased by customers online. Twenty percent of global retail sales were conducted online in 2021, and e-commerce is expected to account for a quarter of worldwide sales by 2025.

  • Route management and how to streamline it

    Route management and how to streamline it


    Route management is a fundamental process for companies to distribute their products. Effective route management helps to enhance efficiency, cut costs and improve customer satisfaction.

  • Omnichannel software: connecting your warehouse with POS

    Omnichannel software: connecting your warehouse with POS


    Implementing omnichannel software lets you connect your warehouse with your company’s different points of sale. The benefits of omnichannel software range from reducing order lead times to improving the customer shopping experience and increasing sales, to name a few.

  • Logistics value chain: what is it?

    Logistics value chain: what is it?


    The logistics value chain consists of the set of activities performed inside and outside the warehouse that add value to a product. Logistics value chain analysis allows you to detect inefficiencies in this area and subsequently optimise your resources.

  • Pick-to-box and how to optimise it

    Pick-to-box and how to optimise it


    Pick-to-box is a picking method that consists of retrieving products and placing them directly in the boxes that will eventually be sent to customers. Operators load picking carts with boxes, where they place the goods that make up each order.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of a WMS

    Advantages and disadvantages of a WMS


    Advantages and disadvantages of a WMS: this logistics program manages and coordinates all warehouse operations. Despite advantages such as real-time stock control and automation, could there be disadvantages to a WMS? Let’s find out.

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