EcoWipes to open an automated warehouse for cosmetic wipes in Poland

03 Jun 2020

Cosmetic wipes manufacturer EcoWipes will renovate and modernise its supply chain by incorporating the latest technologies. The aim of this project is to achieve smooth, flexible and automatic communication between the firm’s production plant in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland, and its new warehouse.

Live pallet racking with a stacker crane for EcoWipes in Poland

The installation will comprise a block of live pallet racking served by a stacker crane, a solution provided by Mecalux. There, 2,422 pallets with finished products will be stored. Just beside it, Movirack mobile pallet racking with capacity for 1,784 pallets containing raw materials will be set up.

The installation will be connected to the production centre by an elevated covered bridge, which the pallets will access via a lift. Two conveyor lines will be placed inside the bridge: one line will move the pallets in one direction only (from the warehouse to production), while the other will be two-way. This solution will greatly increase the speed of goods transfers between both installations.

Easy WCS will be charged with controlling the movements of all automatic handling equipment in the warehouse. This system will communicate continuously with EcoWipes’ WMS. In addition to other actions, Easy WCS will manage the movement of the stacker crane when depositing goods in the appropriate live racking channels and start the roller conveyors when necessary.

Young and modern

EcoWipes was founded in 2011. Although it is an up-and-coming company, it is made up of a team of experts with over 30 years of experience in the market. This cosmetic wipes manufacturer implements state-of-the-art technology to develop innovative products that meet its customers’ highest demands.

An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.mecalux.util.service.impl.MlxJournalHelperServiceImpl.getStructureFieldValue(com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle, String, String)" threw an exception when invoked on com.mecalux.util.service.impl.MlxJournalHelperServiceImpl object "com.mecalux.util.service.impl.MlxJournalHelperServiceImpl@11be11b0"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign articleName = mlxJournalHelpe...  [in template "20101#20128#ARTICLELASTENTRIES-TPL" at line 21, column 49]
1<#assign serviceContext = mlxServiceContext /> 
2<#assign httpServletRequest = serviceContext.getRequest() /> 
3<#assign realUrl = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() /> 
4<#-- El vocIdNoticias se pone el que coincida con el del entorno --> 
5<#assign vocIdNoticias = 396062 /> 
7<#assign journalArticle =  (mlxUrlUtilService.getJournalArticleByUrl(realUrl, locale, groupId, true))!"" /> 
8<#if journalArticle?has_content > 
9    <#assign ctgs = mlxAssetHelperService.getAssetCategoryListByJournalArticleAndVocabularyId(journalArticle, vocIdNoticias) /> 
10    <#assign catId = (ctgs[0].getCategoryId())!0 /> 
11    <#if (catId > 0) > 
12        <#assign newsArticles = mlxAssetHelperService.getJournalArticleListByStructureIdAndCategoryId(groupId, themeDisplay.getUserId(), journalArticle.getDDMStructure().getStructureId(), catId) /> 
13        <#if newsArticles?has_content> 
14            <#assign newsArticlesSortedList = newsArticles?filter(x -> x.getDisplayDate()?? && x.getArticleId()!=journalArticle.getArticleId())?sort_by("displayDate")?reverse?sequence[0..*4] /> 
16        	<aside class="corporate--article--lastentries--container"> 
17        		<div class="corporate--article--lastentries"> 
18        		<span class="corporate--article--lastentries--heading">${content.getData()}</span> 
19        		<ul class="corporate--article--lastentries--links-list"> 
20        			<#list newsArticlesSortedList as newArticle > 
21						<#assign articleName= mlxJournalHelperService.getStructureFieldValue(newArticle, "article_name", locale)?string /> 
22        				<#assign articleUrl =  mlxUrlUtilService.getUrlByJournalArticle(newArticle, locale, groupId)?string /> 
23        				<li class="corporate--article--lastentries--links-list-item"> 
24        					<a href="${articleUrl}" title="${articleName}" class="corporate--article--lastentries--link"> 
25        						<p class="corporate--blog-detail--relatedposts--title"> 
26        							${articleName} 
27        						</p> 
28        					</a> 
29        				</li> 
30        			</#list>                  
31        		</ul> 
32        		</div> 
33        	</aside> 
35        </#if> 
36    </#if> 